Hey team, I think what is better than XPOS machines is an XPOS app on iphone and android that lets you do everything that an XPOS can, but instead of printing a receipt it emails it to there choosen email address. I think under $5,000 worth of transfers free and then a monthly subscription. Also what about a website widget that anyone can accept Crypto through XPOS on their products or services. For me one of the biggest hurdles to adoption is accessibility and price. To make an easy to use app that any store could use to accept Crypto with their phone would be massive. Any other thoughts or suggestions?
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I believe Xwallet can do this
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Right I can’t download Xwallet as I do not have a passport. Maybe This could be promoted more. As I think it has the potential to be very big. Also could there be more options than passport for Xwallet. Alot of people do not have passports.
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I’ve always had Xwallet and I don’t have a passport
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How did you go through the #KYC procedure?
Used a car license I think & verified email, Phone; to long ago
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I KYC’d with a license also; The APi could use some updating, I nearly gave up as my passport was expired;
See above ^