Welcome everyone!

For now, we’ve opened access for a few close members of the community to try out the forum!

Thanks for joining: @Joao @ByteXSylvia @Peter_germany @Magish @ClaudioxBarros @Tarestyles @Ferreira @BlueStitch @Likoky

Any concerns or suggestions you have about this forum, please feel free to reply to this post :slight_smile:

One more thing, the following image is our desired design for the forum, any opinions about that as well?


I like it. simple visual, very simple to understand.

Maybe a “important” section under “Latest”


Will there be a dark mode, i like dark beter for my eyes😎

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We don’t have that in plans yet, what do you think of the current theme?

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I think the colors look nice. you could just keep that with darkmode. I think a lot of people use dark mode. maybe worth considering.

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Current theme is very nice.

Current theme is good.
The site is good because it’s simple to understand.
Everyone can see all important things with one show. (I hope you understand what I mean)
No one has to search a long time to find something.
I like it! :+1:t3::+1:t3::+1:t3:
Good job!

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Theme is nice but please keep darkmode.

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Yay! let the fun begin.


Latest section is included.

For this, we can pin important threads in the “Latest” page or directly in the category

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Hey everyone! Have at last gotten around to properly delving into this forum and its environment; very impressed so far! Easy to use, practical, streamlined, efficient.
Hope all are well!