Validator's details, website and contact not updated (item #1 on the public monday board)

I’ve edited validator’s details by:

fxcored tx staking edit-validator --from=test --website="" --details="To infinity and beyond!" --security-contact="" --gas auto --gas-adjustment=1.2 --gas-prices="6000000000000FX" --yes

but details, website or e-mail contact hasn’t been updated on the Explorer website. In fact, all of the validators have the same placeholders.

On my side, I managed to edit e-mail, name and website, but not the description…
Check on

Edit: changed explorer for testnet

Details are working now, website and contact not, most likely identity doesn’t work on the Explorer either.

Also, can we support new line endings like in proposals description for easier formatting?


"details":"To infinity and beyond!\nTo infinity and beyond!\n"

we’re working on this

  • When securityContact has been not specified, it’s reverted to ‘[do-not-modify]’, but the website still show it as “mailto:[do-not-modify]”. I wanted to reset to default, but it doesn’t work.
  • Suggestion: Maybe instead of default prefixing with “mailto:”, would be possible to include links, like to link to the support page, or something, otherwise prefixing it with plain ‘mailto’ addresses can result in lot of spam.
  • Identity still doesn’t seems to load.
  • Website links aren’t clickable on the mobile app.
  • New lines aren’t processed for validator’s details (ideally should be similar like for the proposal details).

@Richard Above issues are still valid.

noted. will take a look at these issues

you may track this item as #1 on the public monday board

could you check to see on your end if this is completed? then i will move it to the launch log @kenorb

This one is still valid (I’ve checked now): UI/Explorer: Proposals aren't listed on the mobile version

Custom links are still not clickable when going to Validator’s Overview page from f(x) Wallet mobile app (Android).

The rest of the reported issues seems to be fixed now.

Many changes in commission increases and that date does not change.

Please more Data on the most Validator what i see work without error

some, because they have change Commision rate during stake process

Can you be more accurate about which validator is displayed wrongly in the explorer ?

There are some, we have some, this for example: Scale Moment Group.

We have always been moving by jumping between validators that had less than 1% commission. Every time we saw that there was a validator with less commission, we would jump. Our surprise when we see that the commissions were higher than 1% and also that in the explorer it indicated that it had not been modified in a long time, which is uncertain.