Table overview of delegated fx

When you have delegated into multiple validators you have several blocks with delegation info to scroll through, combined with the large amount of negative space in the app it comes at the cost of easy reading.

Would it be possible to somehow integrate or have the option to view a table that displays the basic delegation info underneath each other like as an compact excel sheet?

validator APY Delegated Rewards
Innsbruck 100% 15000Fx 200Fx
Tokio 100% 15000Fx 200Fx
Amsterdam 100% 15000Fx 200Fx

I agree.

The less taps throughout the F/XWallet the better. It’s all about UI & UX. Sorry to go on about this Pundians. But as you will see over time, esp with more suggestions and implementations, it’s just very practical to have the most common features unlocked ready to view or interact with, making it easy and simple to use and allowing a pleasant experience each and every time visited.

I don’t know how many times I’ve opened the FXWallet recently, far more than I expected. I like it very much and it’s something I urge all Pundians to contribute, give more suggestions and see what are the pros and cons in it’s early developments.

With more feedbacks from our large communities, we can make the f/XWallet a great experience across nations.

Also we can have the a column “staked amount” under each validator, using your table view.

We can also have other unique information of Validator’s on this table…


Also we can have the Validator’s date of creation, under their profile description overview or somewhere convenient…

Suggestion 2;

Can we use the “swap feature” of the app, to swap fx erc20 tokens for the fx mainnet ones, without cross chaining it through the Hashout process shown… :crossed_fingers:

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I believe Cross-chain is the only way you can swap erc20 to FX-core coin, other then if an exchange has Core coins and pair it, but that would only add costs to your TX you can do your self as your adding back in a middle man. Cross chain is the simple swap feature