Proposal #50 - Grants for Baklava Space for Security Audit and Publicity

Dear FX community,

There is still 2 days left to vote for Prop #50.

The proposal seeks to apply for 600,000 $FX tokens to support the costs of Baklava Space’s security audit by CertiK, an industry-recognized security audit firm. The audit is for FX delegation vault.

The remaining $FX will be used throughout the year for PR coverage.

To vote :point_right:t2: PundiScan


Current votes :

:fire: Governance Proposal # 50
:rocket: Baklava Space - FX Grants for Security Audit and PR Coverage.
:ballot_box: Votes are reaching 36.5 %
:+1: = 79.5 %
:-1: = 20.5 %
:rage: = 0.0 %
:question: = 0.0 %
Validators which voted (24):
Litecoin Foundation (:-1:)
European University Cyprus (:+1:)
FrenchメCore-1 (:+1:)
World of FX Wizards (:+1:)
Superbit123 (:+1:)
nexus (:+1:)
NOBI (:+1:)
ClaudioメBarros (:-1:)
DAOVerse (:+1:)
ContributionDAO (:+1:)
FX FriendsX (:+1:)
Fox (:+1:)
212th FX Battalion (:+1:)
Alif (:+1:)
blockchainatyonsei (:+1:)
node101 (:+1:)
Moonbase (:+1:)
Janc (:+1:)
SmallFort (:+1:)
Blockchain_Valley_KU (:+1:)
Aghanism (:+1:)
FrenchメCore-2 (:+1:)
LeValidateurFX (:+1:)
Nodes Hub 0 Fees Restake (:+1:)

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We’re glad to announce that Proposal #50 has passed!

Thank you all for participating.