I make a lot of bridges with my fx wallet but yesterday something incredible happened to me. When I go to bridge, I click ok and the account address changes and USDT46 has flown to me, can someone help me?
That address appeared out of nowhere…my addresses are always the same…the first two are mine, the other is not. The fact is that I did not enter that address and there is an error that the wallet made, because I entered my address correctly and my wallet is not hacked.
As you can see, the address you sent to is your old classic address that you upgraded a year ago.
You probably clicked on your old address because it belongs to you and would have been in your history. This could be your own mistake and not the wallet.
Double check and let me know if you find it. If it’s not, let me know as well.
First of all, thank you very much.
second, yes it is my classic direction but I don’t understand how it is possible that they went there, my bridges are always fx core.
I apologize if I was hasty in saying that the fault was with fx wallet.
Thank you very much again.