June 11, 2021, 9:20am
Hi Team, maybe this is posted somewhere else, but will there be a walk through of the next week? What will happen if Fx goes live or if we fail to miss the stake? Can we stake again? Will we be on the ethereum network again? Do we need to redeem our tokens or do they Automatically go back to our functionx wallets?
Thanks in advance
You Need to claim and redeem your tokens. is not automatic
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June 11, 2021, 1:01pm
Thanks, is there a date to redeem by? I do not want to take fx out of the staking progress
Last day of stake is 15 june. so you can remove next day
June 11, 2021, 5:57pm
Have a look at Zac’s answer…
Short version:
Just claim between 16 - 21 June, and claim again exactly 19 weeks later.
Long version:
You can claim anytime you like, even now.
The best time for first claim to potentially get the 100% reward is between 16th - 21st June. If you claim on the 14th June it is fine too but you forfeit the reward on the 15th June (final day of reward). One thing to factor is gas fee, if they are dead cheap on 14th then do your math.
After your first claim, you will be continuously rewarded with …
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June 12, 2021, 1:41am
Thanks I would still like to see more information in terms of what will happen if we do not reach stake