Our FXSwap on EVM Testnet is available for the community to test.
It can be accessed at fx-swap.io, do give us your feedback
You may get your FX Test token on the Testnet Faucet.
Also, you will be required to add our test network to Metamask before you start using.
Here are the steps on how you can add the test network to Metamask:
is there other information for instruction for the dummy’s, I don’t understand the need for Meta Mask is the swap test only for coin on a Meta Mask, 2nd when I go to put in the test network into Meta Mask there is Fxcore Dhodyghaut there already and when putting in the chain ID for testnet it said it’s already in use for the Dhodyhaugt; i put it through anyway so now i have the testnet network as well as the Dhodyhaugt with the same wallet address, should the Dhodyghaut be removed? I’m also lost doing the swap because I don’t know what’s goin from where to where.
Not enough Info I have not been able to test it, didn’t connect to any on the FX wallet versions
Hi all, from now till the official launch of fxswap (circa late July) the Function X team is happy to share total $1000 worth of $FX to a maximum of 3 people that give meaningful feedback on fxswap!
If you find serious lethal bugs, the reward will be different.
so far so good, i wish you can put the actual price graphic under the swap menu, or integrate with the price bot so we can know token A and token B price before execute swap. and when swap button notify price impact too high, please show how much price impact % amount
work fines! amazing project already test all features on dex swap, add lp and remove the liquidity is so far good not meet the serious error wen try them