I am replying to all those who people who do not know what FX is with the link to the new video…
Hope it helps!!!
thats awsome
And @MrSinaN is loving all of them Thnx M8!!!
And at last, after several tries. The Coinbase news has also been posted on a Facebook group with 162000 members!!!
I am going to lead them all to this forum and to the new video
@zaccheah @DavidK @indra @team,
Thanks everyone, this is an amazing step, great to see fx getting the chance to move to wider audiences.
Hope other listings will follow soon too.
Our gratitude to you too. It’s just the beginning for Pundi X and Function X.
WTF HOW did we get into coinbase pro? I thought it is super hard to get into coinbase, even matured coins can’t even get into coinbase.
omg this is awesome.
we need function x running on fxcore network in exchange
I don’t think that can happen very soon unless the exchanges have liquidity on Fxcore. Someone has to provide liquidity
1 step at a time
Precisely as @wolfpack64 said, or in an old Chinese idiom 千里之行始于足下。