Is it just an UI issue as the interface is showing ‘0 BAVA’ rewards when claiming?
I think so. You can claim your rewards again and check if you got more Bava in your wallet. This would be a solution right now.
Confirming that the missing BAVA rewards appears to be an UI issue
Hey IronPig, I assumed you are the same person on TG right?
I’ve forwarded to the team already about the UI not showing the rewards for BAVA.
yes just a UI issue, I collected my rewards when I reclaimed my LP they are there but not showing, I pulled mine thinking along the lines the Bava rewards had stopped, but they are there,
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I got a private message from a scammer offering support, Don’t except help links from source’s unknown, you should never respond to private messages of help - scammers live there, always report them to the moderators; in the three dots at bottom of the message boxes