Following the proposition to create FX Community, here it is the one for the French-speaking community. We really hope that will convince you.
Best regards,
Guillaume B.
• Proposal Details:
We aim to gather French-speaking people (Belgium, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Canada, Chad, the Ivory Coast, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, France, Haiti, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Mali, Monaco, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, Seychelles, Switzerland, Togo and Vanuatu) together onto a common FunctionX banner and promote FunctionX and PundiX towards a community estimated to 300 million people, and as much as 700 million people by 2050 (considering Afri-ca’s continent growth).
This group aims at providing education to people on matters like blockchain and cryptocurrency and make the FunctionX ecosystem accessible to all.
To achieve this goal, we have a two-step plan relying on both digital and physical actions. Once we succeed, we will have a strong autonomous and educat-ed community.
• Team:
Right now, two people compose our team. We are two students in fifth year of digital communication and project management in a block release training:
- The first one is specialized in community-management such as Twitter, In-stagram, and LinkedIn: she is a creative person who never lacks energy.
- The other one is specialized in movie making and graphic design: he in-tegrated the FunctionX community in early 2022, has already published videos for FunctionX and is still doing it.
In addition, we both master the Adobe Creative Cloud (Illustrator, Premiere Pro, etc) to create digital content to support messages and we are both are aspiring project managers.
We are both located in Toulon (south-east of France, between Nice and Mar-seille), on the French Riviera which is a particularly-rich environment, industrially and economically, since it is the biggest military dock in Europe.
We also rely on FrenchXCore, who represents a group of investors since No-vember 28th, 2021. Since this date, he managed his community thru Twitter and the FunctionX forum and focused on spreading awareness, education, and started to develop cApp and dApp content. He is very active in the development of the ecosys-tem.
• Social Media:
We currently did not feel empowered to create any account representing FunctionX or PundiX for French-speaking people. We currently do not have any French-speaking account dealing with FunctionX and crypto-world, nor any social media.
Our intent is to be empowered by the FunctionX team to do so, thru this FXDM initiative.
• Initiative summary:
o What problem is the proposal solving?
Currently, there is already quite a lot of information related to the crypto eco-system for French-speaking people, but most of it is completely unaware of the FunctionX ecosystem. Most information is essentially accessible in English lan-guage and this is impossible to find any information some if you are a non-English-speaking. Therefore, our team is here to respond to this problem. Thanks to our ex-periences in cryptocurrency, communication, and project management, we want to develop a French-speaking community awake to issues related to crypto-currency, blockchain and FunctionX ecosystem.
o How is the problem being solved?
As explained earlier, we have a two-step plan with two different timeframes both digital and physical.
The first step is a short-term one, it aims to establish a communication strate-gy to develop the brand image of FunctionX to French-speaking people.
First, we will use the FunctionX’s corporate identity to harmonize all our communication medias. In a first time, we will use Facebook, and Instagram. In terms of content that we will broadcast, we have several leads. Indeed, we will pub-lish in accordance with the English content and then translate it in French. In addi-tion, we want to democratize the FunctionX ecosystem: so, we will vulgarise all no-tions (e.g., what is a crypto currency?). Moreover, we will bounce on all the events related to FunctionX (e.g., the implementation of EVM). To provide some dynamic contents, we will use mock-ups and use specific videos. Indeed, video is becoming an increasingly important part of communication. Therefore, to meet this need, we will create some very short videos (ideally around 20 seconds) on a specific topic and, every month, we can offer a video that summarize the FunctionX ecosystem month (ideally around 50 seconds).
To be sure, that our communication is working well, we will create a commu-nication schedule that will prepare publications for the month to come and will use all the tools that we have to make it work (Insta’s reels, hashtags, use of trends, use of influencers, etc.).
The second part of the plan is a mid-term one: the idea is to create an event that gather people interested into the crypto-world, or not, and to benefit of this to make the promotion of FunctionX.
This event is inspired from the Pint of Science concept (https://pintofscience.com/). We aim to gather people in a welcoming place, like a pub and/or a restaurant, and to hold a conference, on a theme defined in advance, in an intimate setting. We would include a potentially entrance fee (unless it is sponsored by partners like FunctionX or PundiX), a drink-fee (e.g., a pint or a soft) and a conference of a French-speaking speaker, actor in the field of crypto-currency. At the end of the event, there will be a Q&A session and maybe a ques-tionnaire to create some interaction between the speaker and the public. In addition, some sponsored FunctionX goodies could be distributed to spread the FunctionX ecosystem.
The aim of this event is to create some links inside the French-speaking community and with other people that might be interested with the ecosystem. Of course, we will do a media coverage to promote the event onto our social media. This would be a great step to join some well-known French blockchain events in the future.
o Expected impact and value for the Function X community
With this two-step plan, we expect many things. First, we want to develop and popularise even more the FunctionX ecosystem by vulgarise and democratize the crypto-world for French-speaking people. Of course, the purpose is to touch the largest public and bring them to FunctionX.
o Metrics/KPIs to track results
First step, short term:
-Create the French FunctionX Facebook, and Instagram accounts page, and reach:
o 300 subscribers in 6 months,
o 1.000 subscribers in 12 months,
o 3.000 subscribers in 24 months,
o 10.000 subscribers in 36 months.
Second step, middle term:
-Setup an event for at least 100 people and fill 60% of the room within the first 12 months.
o Plan to achieve the metrics/KPIs
In order to achieve our goal, we will first create a Facebook page, and an Instagram account. On those accounts, that we will keep active, we will produce content, like articles or videos, about FunctionX and PundiX news or events.
To promote the social networks, we will be in touch with some French-speaking influencers from the crypto-world.
Then, to create our event, we need to be in contact with a bar or a pub to host the event and to be in touch with a French-speaking speaker who may intervene.
Finally, we have to get along with a company who could realize all the goodies that we need locally (unless they are being provided).
• Funding details
o Total requested amount in USD:
To animate the community, we would request:
o 500 USD per month up to 300 subscribers,
o 1000 USD per month up to 1.000 subscribers,
o 2000 USD per month up to 3.000 subscribers,
o 5000 USD per month up to 10.000 subscribers.
This would include the realization of 20-seconds videos (every 2 week) and mock-ups.
Other incentives might be required towards FXDM for more in-depth video editing, for focused airdrops or crypto-gifts, for the mid-term event, for goodies or any other required package. For example, we need 800 USD for a 50 second video that summarize the FunctionX ecosystem month, video that can be in English.
o Funding scheme:
The funding could rely on standard FX tokens distribution for man-made work, but would require fiat funding or direct-payment for regular expenses (subcon-tractor, events, goodies, etc.)
o Wallet address:
• Links to similar, previously funded events