There is no proposals yet and the foundation plan to submit the first proposal in the next 24 hours on Binance Smart Chain support for the Function X ecosystem. This will expand BSC’s ecosystem and liquidity into Function X ecosystem (incl PundiXChain, FXCore, etc). It will be mutually beneficial to both ecosystem.
Binance Smart Chain proposal will last 14 days, if approved the foundation will need no more than 7 days to deploy BSC. This means a total of 21 days from the day this proposal is submitted for BSC to go live, if voting is in favor FOR this proposal.
As said, anyone can propose a proposal on the governance voting page, but please allow the foundation to have the honor of making this first proposal tomorrow We will also submit a second proposal on Decentralized Marketing. Will share the proposal link up here once we submit the proposal, in 24 hours! (and we can tweet after the link is up in 24 hrs, not now)
Hope Decentralized marketing is amended to include paid promotions also.
Check out first sponsored youtube video from community donations. New video coming in few days also from community donations.
Can’t download the newest Android version. No voting option yet. After scan button…nothing but flash as an option. Guess I will miss this historic event. But would have voted yes.