f(x)Wallet -> Android app BUG (Reward disappeared)

I added a little amount of FX to my delegation to the validator “Tokyo”. Then, the amount of reward I’d already got(more than 100FX) disappeared and the counter of FX delegations started from zero. Does that perform specification?

p.s. It’s easier to make sure the amount of “Deligated” if the thousands separator is not period(.) but comma(,) because the period-delimited makes confusion with decimal point.

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I also want to ask whether the rate of APY resets to the current percentage when delegation added.

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I think when you delegate more the reward auto collects to your wallet, did you look to see if your wallet went up by 100


When you new delegate rewards otomaticly claim to your fxcore adress. Check it carefully


But it need take in 8 hours


It adds up! I was upset seeing the decrease of number. Thank you guys!


So correct me if i am wrong.


Delegated 60k FX - Current Rewards - 400 FX

If i delegate more new FX to the same validator, the current rewards will be automatically collected back into our fxCore address? @zaccheah @eduardstal

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@zaccheah @eduardstal

Undelegating lost on f(x)Wallet not showing up.

Never. Mind. I guess I should have read it takes 21 days to undelegate. :tired_face::unamused:

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Is there a lockup period?
Yes. The lockup period for validator and delegators are similar, it is 21 days for the withdrawal request. This is to prevent bad actors (worse is take over attempts) from flooding in or out of the ecosystem. Function X: April Hash Out. In this issue of Hash Out, we will dive… | by Zac Cheah | Pundi AIFX | Medium