f(x)Core Mainnet Validator Updates

This thread wills serve as the main thread for any updates for the Mainnet Validator .


I have added a How To Use This Documentation? page to the technical document. For new aspiring validators, please do have a read. For existing validators and delegators, have a look to know where you can find your answers.

There is a section summarizing the process flow of setting up a validator. Please do have a look. Especially the new checks that i have added to the document.
@FrenchXCore @ClaudioxBarros


Hi bro, didnt had much free time this week , whats sentry node exactly ? and about the ddos protection , saw very fast , seems is already setup by default , right ?
My node is fully sync , tomorrow will make the validator part with time …
and is the descriptions fully working ? the mail, site etc ?


sentry node isnt set by default. it is an added layer of protection for your validator node against ddos attacks. you can set up your validator node first if you want. I will be reviewing the tutorial on the sentry node to see if there needs to be any changes.

as for and is the descriptions fully working ? the mail, site etc ?, yes they are all fully working. the explorer had some slight issues the other day.


Seems like I can’t redelegate my current delegations to our own node.
And I’m sure I did not redelegate 7 times within 21 days already.


Hello @Richard
have mainnet launched ?

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yep , in june :sweat_smile:

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june 2022 ?

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fxcore was launched in june 2021 and pundix chain in october 2021

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it is quite complex to explain it here. so ill refer you to this link which does an excellent job and explaining the redelegating parameters.

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yes, it has already gone live july.

to give you a timeline and to answer your question

  1. 6th July 2021: Function X Mainnet went live

  2. Testnet tutorials started some time in August

  3. Active validator limit increased from 20 to 50 (this drastically increased public validators’ chances of joining the active validator set) on 25th Nov 2021 and same day that internal validator nodes opened up their ports to the public

To answer your question, Yes you may start joining as a mainnet validator already.

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so, i can create a validator on mainnet now ?


Yes, you can.

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Indeed, understanding validator re-delegation hopping was not obvious. Now, i understood. Thanks @Richard !!

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Update 30 Nov 21

Gitbook updates

  1. Delegato CLI Guide

  2. Updated keyring and ledger tutorials

  3. Added windows and mac tutorial for fxcore

  4. Fixed some broken links

  5. Added some notes on redelegation with a tutorial link

  6. Added in Live upgrade tutorial and how to upgrade your code


For aspiring validators I will be going through a technical set up for f(x)core mainnet validator in about 2 hours.
For existing validators, I will run through some tips and tricks and go through some of the documents.
You may refer to this link.

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There will be a live upgrade on the testnet very soon and for those who have used your servers to spin up mainnet validators instead, try to spin up a validator node on testnet so you can try with live upgrades.


im stuck somewhere setting a validator. Can someone help me via telegram?

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hello Rich and everyone

when we want to run fxcored node from binary file that have step like “fxcored init fx-zakir”. should i change and replace fx-zakir to another string that will my moniker such as tokocyrpt (for example word of my moniker) ?

or i have to execute “fxcored init fx-zakir” before run fxcored node ?

Thank you

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thats the command to inicialize , nothing to change

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