Explorer: Issues with pager on Proposal's votes page

  • Website: PundiScan
  • Browser: Chrome
  • OS: Ubuntu on PC Desktop
  • Issue 1: When going to 2nd page (of the Votes), page refreshes after a second and goes back to the 1st page.
  • Issue 2: When filtering list by 100/page, it goes back to ‘10/page’ after a second.
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If you do it on a PC it works. On mobile it is has this bug

I have same problem! I cant vote because when i scroll down on proposals page, it automatically throws me to explorer home page. There is no link to proposals page in function x explorer. I tried firefox, chrome, opera with 2 android phones. Same issue with everything.

I do have same bug on Chrome / Windows 10

Using Safari on iPhone, it keeps throwing me back to home page too.

I still have this issue and now cannot vote for the 3rd proposal.
As a delegator I want to be able to vote.
Any idea how this can be solved?
Thanks and best regards.

@indra @Chloechloe please fix.

Let us check on this, will post here when we have further update.

hi @Kenorb,

this issue has been fixed, please let me know if it is still appeared.

Thanks in advance!

Yes, it worked this time (with my Android device). Thank you for your help!