As some of you know, we’re working on a Telegram and Discord bot that will allow Telegram and Discord users to get information about FxCore and PundiXChain, validators, delegators, rewards, etc. directly from within those applications.
However, I’d like to make sure we don’t miss some important features for you guys…
Please drop in here any idea you might have, and we’ll do our best…
For tg bot, we are actually using the bot that developed in-house by @eduardstal.
If you want, we can integrate both bots, or just add the feature to the current bot.
Don’t know if it is on the subject and feasible, but I came on a other telegram group and needed to click that I was human before I could post anything.
If this can work on the telegram groups maybe we can reduce the number of spammers and spamm-bots. Just a suggestion.
I eventually had a look at your directions… @pundixlabs_bot is essentially a moderating bot.
This is actually not what I target for my bot.
My bot will only be there to display information about validators, missing blocks, to tip other users, to make donations and send crypto-gifts.
I’m getting close to a final result : maybe a couple more months required…