Hello guys, girls and all in between.
it is a long time since the failed proposal and us making an update for our daoverse project.
I want to be as transparent as possible and i will give my personal story of what happened, sorry if it is written emotional.
If you just want to get to the news just scroll down behind the first chapter
chapter 1 - The Story behind
It started with my idea of using the Blindbox fun project from @zaccheah as RPG base and quickly i found @KuzoIV who wanted to create this idea with me.
As we where in direct contact with the team and many supporting holders of FX and everybody got back to us really positive we started the idea of making it really big. We were encouraged by many including the founders of fx to make an as big as possible approach for the project and company. Maybe we were too naive that this will work if we just have the team on board. This failed proposal showed a lot and helped to improve the governance of fx.
To realize this massive amount of work in this short time @KuzoIV and I worked endless hours for the success of the proposal that would give us the opportunity to start this concept. For this we both reduced our main work to almost zero and we used our own money to build it. Because we really believe in the success of this project. Everything was planned out and projected, we created video content, our alpha versions of the nfts, i hired two professional writers to build a perfect story, spoke with many other projects and developers. I have built a whitepaper that is more extensive and in depth as any whitepaper of the whole market that i read and we just needed the starting money to build the company and developer contracts to get this going. This was an all in from us.
Since the propasal didnt pass and the restructure of the governance no doesnt allow us to make a second approach to a similar one this project as it was planned was not possible to build.
Since this was an all in and the big crypto crash into the bear market occured at almost the same time (it seems the failed proposal robbed all hope and killed the market ), we had to take a step back. After almost a year of focusing on the project with many challenges in my personal life with my former fiance and myself, almost no income, many expenses and my personal crypto crash, my liquidity was gone and i had to get back into my normal work. For this i finally left my old company for good and am working self employed now and am creating my own investment broker company this or next year. The first big struggle is almost over and i can start again doing some hours per week for the project. But by far not the amount i did last year.
from today you will start hearing from us again. We have built through this hard episode and we will build further.
Thanks @KuzoIV for sticking with me and the project and going through any hardships, even if we never met in person i would call you a real friend. We get this going and weāll meet one day.
Thanks @zaccheah @DavidK @indra @BlueStitch for all the support you gave us last year, I would have loved to give you the first playable alpha version of the game by now. Too bad it didnt work out as planned.
And thanks to all the DAOverse supporters out there that are still waiting for us to get started.
Sorry that you didnt hear from us for so long.
ok i wipe away my tears now and will come to the chapter you were waiting for.
chapter 2 - The Story to come
Since we had to live with the fact that we donāt get money for the project the easy way I got back into the concept.
The plan to build a 3d unreal engine 5 metaverse project with 240 playable and collectible characters in a fantasy based environment stays the same.
Whats changed is that we had to cut working hours and expenses to get to the first step of monetization and by this we can also achieve that the accessibility will be cheaper and easier to produce. This way we can get a bigger community on board and give everybody the opportunity to participate.
For this we asked us some questions:
How to progress in general,
how to bring the most utility,
how to make the entry level as affordable as possible without reducing the value of the collectible NFTs
and in general how to create a really great product for FX and the crypto world to create a really big healthy community where nobody will be left out.
therefore on the product side we will have four levels of NFTs
level 1:
These cards will be the entry ticket. They will be cheap, eg. 20 usd fixed price and wont have the big secondary market collectible value, but they have the utility to use all the services we will develop for the daoverse.
level 2:
the 3d models will be the collectible. The 3d models come in different variations and with different effects.
They will be of different rarities and they will be the NFTs that are randomly minted per single mint, traded and collected over the secondary markets (those are the NFTs which you can compare to cryptopunks or BAYC if you want to compare from collectible value perspective)
you can only mint a 3d model if you have the card nft for the exact character card. (eg. you have muramasa card, then you can only mint a muramasa collectible)
regarding the random rarity at the mint time we think of 4 rarity grades (40% standard, 30% rare, 20% epic, 10% legendary)
level 3:
Metaverse estate will be the NFTs used for building houses and a living in the metaverse. They will be minted and traded over secondary market as the project grows.
level 4:
items will be minted and traded over secondary markets and be used for variious effects through every service and game we will offer in the daoverse.
chapter 3 - The Story to see
XXXXXXXXX preview for level 1 NFTs (entrance card) XXXXXXXXX
XXXXXXXXX preview for level 2 character collectibles NFTs (standard rarity with low effects and standard skin) XXXXXXXXX
XXXXXXXXX preview for level 3 housing NFTs XXXXXXXXX
XXXXXXXXX preview for level 4 Items and collectibles NFTs XXXXXXXXX
aaaaaaand something everybody is waiting for as item collectibles
there are Pets in the making
thank you all for supporting us this far and i hope we will see us again in the the DAOverse.
PS: there will be a new approach to get investors on board, like with a seed round or a coin offering on FX once possible. But maybe we need some more months for that. Stay tuned.
Lets build this world. Together.