When I look in the Fx-Wallet I can buy BTC / USDT / ETH / …
All of these are available for Purchase.
But no Pundix or Fx… Is that something that can be developed?
I’m asking this because I am interested in buying FX but for that I need to go to a exchange… Already enrolled in some exchanges … but for FX I need to sign up for a new one… 3 exchanges is for me already enough
I totally agree. Why can’t we buy it in the app?
Wouldn’t it be as easy to let team Pundi/FX buy a whole bag, move it to the FX wallet so we can buy it from there?
Hey Cameron,
When I open my fx wallet I can see fx between my assists, also pundix / etc …
But I can not buy them there… that I know (or did I do something wrong).
I would presume I have to go to “cryptobank” on the wallet and then go to purchase.
When I press “view all” Fx is not between them to buy.