Beat my nonce

Who’s in for a challenge?

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I’m not much of a reddit person, Sorry Jan but I don’t know what this means

Haha…no problem.
I’m not much of a Reddit person either. It’s just a fun post.
(And a little bit to make users aware of the fx explorer :grin:)

The nonce number is some sort of is tracking number indicating how many transactions you persobally did on the f(x)Core.

Can be found on the activity tab of your fx (core) wallet address.
Then tab the latest activity, and tab “view more”.
Then you see your personal nonce number.

lol Found it you win :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Challenge is ongoing…:grin::grin:…so who knows.
Let’s check at the end of the year again :wink:

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93 right now :smiley:

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Not to bad…:wink::grin::wink:

Nonce: 109…