(1st post) f(x)Wallet -> Android app BUG (Too many decimals & dot doesn't exist) -> Temporary fix ✅ || Patched

Hi everyone,

I am crossing some problems with the F(X)- Wallet app and I hope this will get resolved before the end of may.

There seems to be a problem with the decimal integration in the app. This leads to situations where I can’t do anything. Example in SWAP function:

I hope this problem can be resolved soon.
Thank you.

Could you try to uninstall the app, restart the phone and install the app again?

Also, if this keeps happening, can you submit some device details such as the Android version, thanks!

Please back up the recovery phrase before uninstalling the app. Or simply wait until the new version will be released.

I might have found the solution myself.

I have put the language of the phone to english/American and now it shows the right amount in the swap function.

But still, a heads-upp that this is a problem that occurs

What was the previous language of the phone?

It was Dutch

Alright, thanks for the details, I’ll try to replicate the bug to see if I can get it to happen on another device. This thread was also sent to our f(x) wallet devs so they will look into it as well.


Thank you for the quick response! It was dutch/belgium = azerty. Not sure if this can help.

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I managed to replicate the bug as well, it should be patched in the next f(x) wallet update
EDIT 2: It seems the bug cannot be replicated on iOS

EDIT 1: For anyone that happens to notice this bug, if you can’t use the f(x) wallet because of this issue, simply change your device language to English temporarily and restart the app.

EDIT 3: The bug has been confirmed to be resolved within the next update, the languages affected are: Dutch, Portugese, Vietnamese and Lao

EDIT 4: Patched, please update your wallet.


That was a fast fix! Well done team. :ok_hand:


Great! The (temp) solution works just fine, setting language to English.
No need to reinstall the app, just a restart does the job.

After update i will set back language to Dutch again.

Samsung Android A5 Phone.


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